
Monday, 25 November 2013

8 Easy Steps To Creating Your Design

I get asked quite a bit at how I go about creating my designs. Whether its improvisation, thoroughly planned, or just get suggested the idea. I could've made this into a video but with the things I wanted to discuss I thought it would just be best to include it in one blog post for you to refer back to. 
I have taken the time to think up 8 easy steps to go about creating your designs easily. Hope this helps some of you!
This blog post may not help everybody as I know quite a few designers just like to improvise. But I just thought I would make this to help the designers that can't get through their designs as easy as others! 

Step 1: Rough Idea
So when designing you should already have a base idea that you want to create. (if not, get thinking!). Once you have this, it usually takes a while before you can visually create this idea that people can view. The rough idea can be anything, whether its a final idea, or even just a small element of what you want to add. Which now leads onto step two.

Step 2: Search For Existing Ideas

If you have friends or know what you're looking for, search around portfolios or different places where you've drawn inspiration from. This will then help you think up some of your own ideas that you can use for your own design.

Step 3: Look How Its Done

From the work you are viewing, look how they have designed it. Examine how they have designed their work and how they executed it best. Doing this will allow you to figure out the best way to approach your design idea.

Step 4: Extracting Elements

Now that you've thoroughly reviewed other designer's work, its time to concentrate more on your own. Because you have been thinking about elements from other designer's work, it will spark some unique elements to include into your own design. Its HIGHLY important that you re-create your OWN elements and not to steal others - you're only reviewing work to get inspiration!

Step 5: Continue Building Your Idea

Now that you have researched and have all the basic ideas for you design, its time to start building. Start creating different segments and fitting together what you think works. Now, this won't work straight away, so have patience when you are constructing your foundation! 

Step 6: Creating Multiple Versions

Getting your foundation of your design made is crucial. It's just like building a house - if the foundation is wrong, how is it mean't to stand up and actually work? (very cliché, but its to get a point across). This step probably won't apply to everyone due to time limits and patience levels but it is usually best to create multiple final copies of your idea. These won't be your final finished products, just mock-ups to refer back to so you know what to include and what not to include.

Step 7: Creating Your Final Design

Now that you have got all the time consuming researching and multiple rough concepts of your design, you're ready to create your final piece. Take as much time to make this and always refer back to what you have made in your mock-ups to make sure you're staying on your design theme.

Step 8: Presenting Your Finished Product

And you're done! Time to present it onto some fancy presentations. A great way to do this is to place them in real scenarios. Whether its on a shirt, picture frame, or logo mock-up. Doing this allows the viewers to view your work in different situations and you could even gain profit if the viewer is wowed by a large amount! 

Hoped this help some of you in some shape or form! It's very useful to have a plan when designing so you know you have included everything you need to. 

Have a great week!
Jess x

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